Recent Press
The Ethel
5 Things You Need to Know Before You Travel With a Sister or Bestie. You may go solo!
The Washington Post
What are travel coaches, and what do they do?
Searching for love in the time of coronavirus pandemic in Italy! Ryan Prior
Authority Magazine
Creating Cultures That Supports Mental, Emotional & Social Wellness
Trips to Discover
Your Guide to the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
My Modigliani, Lautrec & Van Gogh Blues Traveling Art Exhibition
Sereno Variabile
Italy’s longest running travel TV series invites showcases Spoleto
The Seatle Times
What are travel coaches, and what do they do?
North Valley
Do I need travel insurance for my 2023 vacation?
The Washington Post
Flying with an Injury? You can get help at the airport.
Podcast Interviews
Kate Barrett
Living the Dream in Italy!
Lo Schiavo Genealogica
Francesca and her heritage
The Travel Coach Network Podcast
Francesca shares Italian story
Next podcast coming soon
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